Published September 27th…
Beautiful Monsters
A new collection in celebration of all things crazy, worn out, glorious… From Rory Gallagher’s road-ravaged Strat to a rhinoceros in Martial’s Colosseum. Little Monsters like Rimbaud, big beasts like Baudelaire. A whiff of honeysuckle, signs in a supermarket, a book left on a poet’s grave, an elephant, a dancing bear… order at: reviewed here by Thomas Ovans and still available from Shoestring Press…
2022 Michael Marks Illustrator’s Award Winner
A pamphlet collection of poems sent at Christmas, illustrated by Bill Sanderson. Slim enough to be posted in place of a card, Twelve Days would make an ideal seasonal gift. Available from Shoestring Press or Central Books ( Read review by Carla Scarano in London Grip. and now SOLD OUT from Shoestring Press… (a few copies still available from the author)
40 New Poems and selections from 6 earlier books…
also from Shoestring Press… FEAST OF FOOLS A collaborative venture with artist Bill Sanderson featuring fourteen images and poems based on medieval misericords. (See review by D A Prince in London Grip)